Youth Peace Travel Team 2016 – Debriefing and Harrisburg workcamp


As the summer wraps up, we had a team debriefing session before our Junior High workcamp in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. For three of us, Harrisburg was our first workcamp! It was quite an experience to simultaneously step into a directing role as a team. We had the opportunity to serve with several organizations around Harrisburg for three days before we were off to our final camp! What a joyful time.

Hello friends!

Debriefing went very well. It is so difficult to wrap up all the amazing experiences and lessons we have learned this summer in just a few conversations. But the laughs, backyard swims, and just a few days off were really nice and refreshing.

The work camp theme this year was “blazing with holiness.” The worships, devotions, and just the conversations and ideas the team had really seemed to flow well. I personally had not heard the metaphor of fire in worship in quite a while. The rhetoric I seemed to associate with that metaphor was fairly negative, but this week has turned it right upside on its head. And what a place to do it! Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren was undeniably ablaze with service. It seemed like their doors never closed, with people always in and out for all different needs. The workcampers definitely recognized it too. We discussed the kindling of their own faith. It really touched my heart how blessed we are as a team to be part of these faith journeys at such a pivotal point of growth.

It was also awesome to be in a city again! I remember in Iowa at some point saying “I need to stop somewhere and use the bathroom” and the person driving us replied, “Okay, you’ll have to wait about fifteen minutes until we get somewhere.” I grew up in a city and currently live in a different city. There is nothing quite like the hustle, bustle, and immediate diversity of cities like Harrisburg or Cincinnati. My favorite part of the week was going to an authentic taqueria. I loved supporting a family business while being reminded of my childhood. Love was abundant in this city and in all the service done here. Urban ministry is groovy! Not to mention the tambourines!!

Peace out, Kiana

Yo! We have finished another amazing week, but this time with a twist. Our experience with a junior high work camp was all-around awesome. Since the work camp started halfway through the week, we got to start our week with a few relaxing days. Once work camp started, we moved over to Harrisburg First, and began co-directing with Marie.

Working with junior high at a workcamp is a similar and yet different thing than working with them at a camp. These young leaders touched my heart through their abilities to spread joy, lift each other up, work hard, and serve selflessly. God was at work in so many ways as we moved furniture for Brethren Housing Association and worked in green spaces and city gardens. He was at work in those of us who served at local soup kitchens and resource centers, like Downtown Daily Bread and Bethesda’s Women’s Shelter. I saw Him at work when the campers learned about interpersonal communication by making coke floats-with blindfolds on. His spirit flowed in our worship with the Harrisburg First praise band, and His love connected us with the local youth group as well.

This week definitely was an amazing first work camp experience, and God’s hands and feet were all over Harrisburg last week.


This past week in Harrisburg was a time to gain a greater connection to the city that I had previously only known as my state’s capital. Shortly after our arrival, it became apparent that Harrisburg First Church is an exceedingly alive congregation with a perpetually active ministry. Both the tradition and the praise services, led this Sunday by the youth, were filled with energy and joy as each person there was greeted by a smile and great music! However, this week we got to really see what it means for church not just to be for Sundays. People visit the church building all week long to attend parenting classes, nonviolent conflict resolution workshops, Bible studies, fresh food distributions, and so much more.

The work project where I spent the majority of my time was building raised vegetable beds to be used by Brethren Community Ministries. We got to watch as a lot went from empty to a fully planted garden in just a couple of days and as the work camp youth stepped out of their comfort zones and began to master power tools.

It was a blessing for me to see what an urban Church of the Brethren can be and do. “Blazing with Holiness” was a perfectly fitting workcamp theme; at many points during the week, the church felt on fire! Coming from a more rural district, this week stirred me to explore many more creative and varied ways to be the Church in all of my communities.
What an inspiring week in my home state, Pennsylvania!
The workcamp in Harrisburg was my 7th workcamp, and it was really awesome to be in a leadership role for the first time! Workcamps have always been one of the highlights of my summer and have been such a large part of my faith journey. This summer was no different.

At first, the workcamp wasn’t one of the spots along the team’s travel that I was looking forward to the most because it was in such close proximity to my home However, I learned so much about myself and from the youth that the week became one of my summer highlights.

I would typically identify as a “country girl” who was raised in Lancaster County. However, going on a tour the first night of the workcamp showed me the value and pure awesomeness of growing up in a city. 1) THERE ARE SO MANY FOOD PLACES YOU CAN WALK TO, including a really awesome ice cream shop this week. 2) I’d probably know how to parallel park. 3) Urban ministry is awesome. I really enjoyed worship and Harrisburg First. The list goes on and on. Sometime in my life, I want to experience living in a city.

The workcampers that week were also truly amazing. I generally have difficulty opening up to people. However, this past week a few youth just found ways to pick on me in a loving way that meant they were comfortable with me. Also, seeing how much these youth could get done was awesome.

They were hard workers and were so efficient!

Peace, Love, and PA

Abel’s Daughter – A success story

Written by Rhoda (secretary for the Nigeria Disaster Team)IMG_0308

Abel was a staff member of EYN Headquarters. He worked in Mubi before the Boko haram attacked that community. In November he was assigned a new position as Medical Officer with the Relief Team. He has a 14 year old daughter named Sarah. In October she was at school with other children when the attack in Mubi started. She was kidnapped with other children and kept in Mubi under the supervision of the Boko Haram people.

Sarah was injured as a result of bombings by the Nigerian Air force on the buildings occupied by Boko Haram and the kidnapped children. Many children lost their lives while Sarah was wounded in the leg. According to Sarah, she was attended by Doctors and her leg was amputated from the knee down without any form of pain relief. She said she was well taken care of by the Boko Haram. It is believed that the Doctors and other workers serving Boko Haram are citizens kidnapped either in their homes or on the roads.

However, Abel was devastated and distraught. He had come to Jos with all the staff of EYN headquarters but he couldn’t think of anything or concentrate on anything because of his missing daughter. His wife was so sick and heartbroken, the situation was very pathetic. The church kept praying for God to strengthen Abel and at least show him a sign that his daughter was dead or alive. I was so concerned because of how Abel looked at our Relief team meetings. In December, Abel received a call that his daughter has been rescued and was in Cameroun with other children. What an unbelievable relief to Abel.

Sarah was brought to Jos and received all the necessary medical attention. The team visited Abel at home with his wife and Sarah. I broke down in tears when I saw Sarah and I am hoping the Boko Haram did not molested her sexually, because she is young and very beautiful.

Abel has accepted the state of his daughter in good faith and is strengthened by the help of EYN and Church of the Brethren.  He was assisted with money from the relief funds to be able to take his daughter to a big hospital where she could get very good medical care. She is fast recovering and hoping to go back to school by next year.  “I want her to continue with her education” said Abel. They are also hoping Sarah will be fitted with an artificial limb.

Sarah - Abel's Daughter

Sarah – Abel’s Daughter

A troubled soul

2015 COVER

John 12:20-36

What is your deepest need at this moment? How do you sense God’s presence with you in the midst of your need?


O God, in our brokenness, and in that of others, we know You are present. We know that through Christ Jesus, there is nothing that separates us from Your great love. Thank you. We are humbled by Your love and grateful for Your presence. In silence and in wonder, we pause and pray. Amen.

~ Debbie Eisenbise, Director of Intergenerational Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lent Devotional written by Craig H. Smith, district executive for the Atlantic Northeast District of the Church of the Brethren and ordained minister. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Craig’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

What a day . . .

2015 COVER

Isaiah 60:15-22

What darkness are you facing right now? In searching and allowing God’s presence, where can you find God’s light, even if it is just peeking through?


Creator, we are honest with you. Sometimes we are stuck in a rut and find ourselves in a place of ignorance or distrust, confusion, or feeling beaten by everything that surrounds us. Gently remind us of your love for us and that even in the midst of these long nights, you are still there, shining your light.

~ Kristen Hoffman, Coordinator, CCS and National Junior High Conference

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lent Devotional written by Craig H. Smith, district executive for the Atlantic Northeast District of the Church of the Brethren and ordained minister. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Craig’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

In waiting

Not seeing today’s post? Hit the “refresh” button on your browser.AWAKE_ADVENT_4

 Psalm 27, of David

Question for reflection:
There are many times when we find ourselves waiting. Do you give yourself room for patience? Can you reflect on some moments from the past week that you recognize God’s presence through grace and patience?

Prayer for the day:

Lord, even though it is hard to be patient, we are trying. Thank you for walking with us, in the times we are aware of your presence and in times that we become preoccupied. Please help us remember that the One we are waiting on is the ultimate gift, who is so special and loving. ~ Amen

~ Kristen Hoffman, Coordinator of CCS and National Junior High Conference

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Communal fasting and healing


Acts 13:1-3; 14:19-23

Prayer for the day:

God, help us to anticipate your Spirit’s presence with us, in the ordinary and the unusual.

Question for reflection:
When have you experienced God’s presence most tangibly in your life? What were the circumstances?


~ Tim Heishman, National Youth Conference Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lenten Devotional written by Duane Grady, pastor of Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Duane’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Blessed are the introverts



Mark 6:30-32, 47-52

Prayer for the day:
Creator and Sustainer of Life, we are grateful to be reminded by scripture that when we are afraid, you will not pass us by. Instead, you make your presence known to us by whispering into our darkness, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” May we always seek your spirit and your wisdom.

Question for reflection:

In general, do you feel rejuvenated after spending time with people or alone? In what ways might you experience God in situations where your preference is not accommodated?

~ Becky Ullom-Naugle, Director for Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lenten Devotional written by Duane Grady, pastor of Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Duane’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.



2013 Advent good_news_hi_res Luke 1:18-25

Prayer for the day:
Adamant Lord, I praise you for your constant presence, even when my belief becomes mute. Let me cling to you in my darkest hour. Not turning my back to you, the candle of hope.

Question for reflection:
What could your world look like if you cast your doubt aside?

~ Sarah Neher, National Youth Conference Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

A genealogy of grace

2013 Advent good_news_hi_res  Matthew 1:17

Prayer for the day:

Surprising God,
like those who experienced the first Christmas so many generations ago, we stand amazed in your presence. Thank you for giving us the gift of Jesus, whose birth we celebrate and whose life we emulate.

God of grace,
help us to use this Advent season to prepare our hearts to welcome Christ into our world and into our lives.

Question for reflection:
Tim Harvey shares the story of how his great-grandfather, an outcast, was welcomed into the community of faith. This Christmas, how are you and your congregation welcoming people who are marginalized by our society?

~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.


God’s witnesses

Lent 2013 Cover    Isaiah 43: 8-15

Question for reflection:
When you look back in your life, when do you remember the presence of God being most with you? Have you shared this story with others? How has the story changed in each retelling as you have a better understanding of how it is part of God’s will in your wider life?

Prayer for the day:
O God, I know it is Your will that is unfolding around me. You have chosen me and I have chosen to be a witness for You. Bless me with the faith and understanding to recognize that Your presence is as with us now as it was in ancient times.  Amen.

~ Gimbiya Kettering, Intercultural Ministries Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lenten devotional, The Practice of Paying Attention, written by Dana Cassell, Minister of Youth Formation at the Manassas Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats) Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Walt’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.