In January, each EYN church usually chooses a theme for the year. It is based on Scripture and a banner is made and hung in the church for that year. This year at the request of Dr. Samuel Dali and EYN leaders, every church has been asked to use the same theme; Accepting God’s Gift of Grace. The theme is based on 2 Corinthians 6:1 “Working together with him, then, we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain.” (RSV) The theme is designed to remind churches that there is a responsibility involved when we accept God’s gift of grace. Individuals and churches are encouraged to continue as ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20) and to spread the good news of God’s grace to all. Dr. Samuel Dali is encouraging EYN to make the most of the new opportunities brought about by the insurgency of Boko Haram. As EYN members have been scattered across Nigeria, the hope is that they continue to share about Jesus Christ and bring the message of peace and reconciliation wherever they are located.
Tag Archives: grace
Devotions (EYN Daily Link) June 21-27, 2015
A Daily Devotional Guide from the
EYN (Church of the Brethren in Nigeria)
EYN leaders in Nigeria believe prayer is one of the most important ways to support the Nigerian people and the Church. These daily devotions were written by EYN members and published by the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria. Reading them daily is a powerful way we can be in solidarity and connect with our brothers and sisters caught in this crisis. EYN’s daily devotional for 2015 will be posted a week at a time on this blog, appearing mid-week for the following week. More information about the crisis can be found at
Click on this link for Devotions-June-21st-27th-2015
~ Joshua Brockway, Director for Spiritual Life and Discipleship
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lent Devotional written by Craig H. Smith, district executive for the Atlantic Northeast District of the Church of the Brethren and ordained minister. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Craig’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.
Last word and testament
Luke 6:27-31
Question for reflection:
Where do you see conflict in your life today? What would a loving response look like?
Prayer for the day:
God, enemies are real. Help me to respond with an honest and grace-filled love to those who injure me. Show me when I make others into the enemy, and turn my violence and resentment into patient perseverance. Let Christ-like love penetrate the world through me. Amen.
~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.
Lord willin’
James 4:11-17
Question for reflection:
How do you listen for God’s will? What do you hear God saying to you for this day?
Prayer for the day:
God, I want to trust your intentions for my life. My desire is to live a life consistent with your will. But sometimes it is hard to hear, to know, and to do. Forgive me for my sin. Grant me grace to be better today. Amen.
~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.
John 1:1-14 (v.1)
Question for reflection:
How will you tell the world that God has always been here and always will be here?
Prayer for the day:
Dear God, help me to take this moment to think of the many ways you bless my life. Open my hands to display your grace with acts of peace and justice. Release my voice to praise you and tell your story. Amen.
~ Stan Dueck, Director for Transforming Practices
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.
Supporting Leaders: Emotional Support
- Send notes, emails and calls of appreciation
- Keep an eye out for opportunities to offer random acts of kindness and support to the pastor and other leaders: an impromptu meal delivered, the lawn mowed, car washed, etc.
- Provide free childcare for a night out. Go a step further and give them gift cards for dinner and a movie
- Evaluate and learn from mistakes; don’t use them to attack one another
The May issue of Basin & Towel magazine is all about the idea of calling, which includes caring for and sustaining those who have answered their call. How do you support your pastor and other church leaders? What would you add to this list and previous posts?
The Mount of Olives
Luke 22:39-46
Prayer for the day:
Jesus, the story of your life on earth is marked by both time and space. In taking human flesh and bone you walked among us, marking certain places as holy by the events that took place there. Yet, in your presence you sanctified not just one place but all. In this season of Lent open our eyes to the holy moments and places around us. Help us take notice that we need not stand on great mountains, but that your grace is present here and now. Amen
Question for reflection:
Where are your holy places?
~ Josh Brockway, Director for Spiritual Life and Discipleship
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Lenten Devotional written by Duane Grady, pastor of Cedar Lake Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Duane’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.
Whenever the doors are open
Luke 2:22- 24, 39- 40
Prayer for the day:
God, help me with simple obedience. In the routines of following you, help me see the importance of common acts of worship, humble service, and faithful follow-through. Like Mary and Joseph, make me consistent in “regular” things, open to your wisdom, full of the grace of God.
Question for reflection:
How will/did the routines of your day today draw you closer to Jesus and honor God?
~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.
A genealogy of grace
Matthew 1:17
Prayer for the day:
Surprising God,
like those who experienced the first Christmas so many generations ago, we stand amazed in your presence. Thank you for giving us the gift of Jesus, whose birth we celebrate and whose life we emulate.
God of grace,
help us to use this Advent season to prepare our hearts to welcome Christ into our world and into our lives.
Question for reflection:
Tim Harvey shares the story of how his great-grandfather, an outcast, was welcomed into the community of faith. This Christmas, how are you and your congregation welcoming people who are marginalized by our society?
~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.