Actors in a supporting role

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Luke 5:1-23

Question for reflection:
The earliest pregnancy announcement that I can remember happened when I was about ten years old. My much older brother was dropping off my five year old nephew early one morning to be watched by my mother. I recall him taking off my nephew’s coat, standing up and saying to our mom, “Oh, by the way, you are going to be a grandma again” and walking out the door. My mother and I then started to squeal together and hug my tired nephew who was not at all thrilled by the early morning noise.

When something exciting happens to us, whether it’s the announcement of a baby, a new job, or a small child waking up on Christmas morning, we usually show our feelings of joy and thankfulness with our voice. I imagine that it was hard for Zechariah to have to remain silent because after all this time he was going to be a father. I’m thankful for my ability to rejoice and share with others, especially during this advent season.

What are you having a hard time staying silent about during this holiday season?

Prayer for the day:
Dear God, thank you for the ability to express our joy and excitement in many various ways. Amen.

~ Laura Whitman, Special Projects Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Knowing the Lord

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Hosea 6:1-6

v.6:  For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice,
  the knowledge of God rather than burnt-offerings.

Question for reflection:
1 John 3:18 “This is how we know that we belong  to the truth….”
3:24 “And this is how we know that he lives in us..”
4:7 “Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.”
4:16 “… we know and rely on the love God has for us”

If we follow the dots and pick out just the “know” passages from the book of 1 John, we can piece together a foundation rooted in knowledge and very much, the love of God.
Where have you seen people who know and rely on God’s love?

Prayer for the day
Heavenly Father, thank you for the season, the reminder that you extended your love among us by sending your Son – that we might live through him. Help us develop the faith to know and rely on that love.  And as we deepen in that knowledge allow us to turn this into our own visible love, that would be evident in a dark world. With gratitude for your amazing gift, I pray. Amen

~ Randi Rowan, Program Assistant, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Sleepless on the Mount

AWAKE_ADVENT_4Luke 21:34-38

Question for reflection:
I like the title of this devotional – “Sleepless on the Mount.” How many sleepless nights do we experience in our lifetimes that are a result of worrying? I would be interested to know how much worrying increases around the holiday season; there’s always so much to do: plan travel, shop for presents, prepare food, decorate the house, and of course have the money to do it all. As I type this, I am thinking of all of the things that need to happen in the next couple of weeks and feel a pit of panic and stress. However, one of my favorite things to do during the holiday is to sit by the lit up Christmas tree and just listen to some of my favorite softer Christmas songs; this simple action helps me to center myself from all the holiday stress and remember the true meaning of the Advent season. It doesn’t surprise me that Jesus took some time on the Mount of Olives to just sit and be – I wonder if he had music to keep him company, too?

  • What worries and anxieties do you need to work through this holiday season?
  • What are some simple acts that you can do to help you appreciate and enjoy the meaningful parts of the season?

Prayer for the day:
Dear God, during this season that we celebrate as a reminder of Your precious gift, allow us to take the time to watch, listen, and love. Amen.

~ Laura Whitman, Special Projects Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Humming along with Asaph


Psalm 79

Question for reflection:
What happens to our soul when we harbor anger or bitterness? The psalmist many times encourages us express our troubles to the Lord — “…pour out your hearts before Him; God is a refuge for us.” (Psalm 62:8). What would be different if we would describe to God what seems wrong and unfair …. and listen for his response?

Prayer for the day:

Gracious Father, grant us a quick avenue into your presence when circumstances cause us anger. Transform us as we pour out our hearts and distress …. and wait for Your insight.  Amen.

~ Randi Rowan, Program Assistant, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.



Live stream

AWAKE_ADVENT_4Micah 4:1-5

Question for reflection:
As we begin the Advent season I am reminded of The Practice of the Presence of God – the book by Brother Lawrence which tells of his journey to so completely permeate his life with prayer–that he is in constant communion with God.
What is one simple step you could take to slow down and deepen your experience of God’s presence?

Prayer for the day:

Glorious God! As One who knows us well, help us repair to your mountain — that space where we can breathe in who you are and listen at your feet.  May we hearken to your soft whispers of guidance. Help us to be awake to possibilities that weren’t obvious before.

~ Randi Rowan, Program Assistant, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and an ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.



2013 Advent good_news_hi_res   John 1:14

Prayer for the day:
God of grace and truth, thank you for coming to earth in a form that I can relate to, as a human of flesh and blood. Thank you for showing me your love in such a personal way. Help me offer that same love to others. In the name of our neighbor, Jesus the Christ, I pray. AMEN

Question for reflection:

Who around you needs to hear a hopeful word today? With whom will you share the Good News of Jesus?

~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Carry the light

2013 Advent good_news_hi_res   Matthew 2:9

Prayer for the day:
God, help me follow you today, trusting as you lead, grateful for the calling, joyful in the journey.

Question for reflection:

Where is the Christ star guiding you today, and as you enter this new year?

~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Whenever the doors are open

2013 Advent good_news_hi_res   Luke 2:22- 24, 39- 40

Prayer for the day:
God, help me with simple obedience. In the routines of following you, help me see the importance of common acts of worship, humble service, and faithful follow-through. Like Mary and Joseph, make me consistent in “regular” things, open to your wisdom, full of the grace of God.

Question for reflection:

How will/did the routines of your day today draw you closer to Jesus and honor God?

~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

A waste of time?

2013 Advent good_news_hi_res  Luke 2:36- 38

Prayer for the day:
Help me keep from getting so busy, Lord, that I miss seeing you even when you’re right in front of me. Give me focus and persistence like Anna, so that I, too, might offer thanks and speak of you to others with deep love and conviction.

Question for reflection:

How do you recognize Jesus in the world today? What testimony are you prepared to give?

~ Jonathan Shively, Executive Director, Congregational Life Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Almost unspeakable

2013 Advent good_news_hi_res   Matthew 2:16 -18

Prayer for the day:
Soften my heart O, God, that I might have compassion for those who are forgotten, oppressed, and hurt. Harden my resolve, that I might have the courage not to look away but to hear their stories and learn their names. Move my hands, that I might be a servant of peace.

Question for reflection:

As a pacifist, New Testament Christian, I often like to gloss over the genocide, civil war, and violence of the Old Testament. Matthew 2 is a reminder that it continued even after Jesus was born and continued after Jesus died and continues today –2000 years later. Sometimes, my prayers for peace feel so ineffectual and vague against the tide of violence reported in the local news broadcast and global current events. I wish I could do more. How can I hold in my heart the seeming contradictions of God’s loving mercy and the violent realities of our times?

~ Gimbiya Kettering,  Intercultural Ministries Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Tim Harvey, pastor of Central Church of the Brethren (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Tim’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.