Love in action aka depending on your income & beliefs in the Word of God. No poor person in any church of the brethren, from ALL actions of IGNORING by the people who are NOW RETIRED, people of leadership in the church, who dedicate more time with the church, & see the church growth booming suddenly, What happens ? A person like I who has the spirit of God in me, according to the scripture, but little MONEY, with many questions & suggestions ALL gets ignored. WHY is that the reality if we are all equal under the grace & mercy of God ? Should not be right ? BUT, I have a seizure condition & always have had it since 5 months old. So the rule changes are to be made, even though at 1 time I was asked to collect the tithes this morning, and from the start I was having seizure activity, and for 5+ minutes I was praying to GOD that nothing serious happened. It did not. 1 month later to make a long story short, OUTSIDE INFLUENCES of the non-church goers, a realtive from in this church decides if I was to get MORE EGGS, as I did not want this persons service because of his unpredictable ways that we are only a number when HE thinks his time was to be our time, as THAT never works for me or my mother no matter who you are. So when I said we don’t need that done, CLICK an open phone line & NO MORE FRESH EGGS. This past Christmas eve service, he was there, 1st I never remember him being at any church service. SILENT NIGHT was the song we were singing BUT HE was SHOUTING THE WORDS & the kids were LOL a storm and I just figured this guy was drunk, as you know when hearing a drunk sing or talk when they are drunk. Thankfully he had not been back BECAUSE he does not need GOD, KNOW GOD, or has a desire for GOD since he has THE MONEY FOR PROVIDING ALL HE HAS. But when he is NEEDED he is there at HIS TIME ONLY and the people of the church kisses the ground he walks on. NOT ME, as other related to this family & others, have the MONEY, EGOS & ATTITUDE, of all that is goes, no matter what I may be thinking of what the CHURCH is to stand for. No way will that ever be talked about as rules are just words to these people including the PASTOR who never wants to lose money or ruffle feathers, unless a person like me who has little money gets all their weight put on my shoulders. All to say is that KIDS & non church goers except those C & E sermon attendees all of them may have it made, as THEY enforce some of the ways a church operates every Sunday. My question to you is, DO I LEAVE THIS CHURCH or go back tomorrow ?
Love in action aka depending on your income & beliefs in the Word of God. No poor person in any church of the brethren, from ALL actions of IGNORING by the people who are NOW RETIRED, people of leadership in the church, who dedicate more time with the church, & see the church growth booming suddenly, What happens ? A person like I who has the spirit of God in me, according to the scripture, but little MONEY, with many questions & suggestions ALL gets ignored. WHY is that the reality if we are all equal under the grace & mercy of God ? Should not be right ? BUT, I have a seizure condition & always have had it since 5 months old. So the rule changes are to be made, even though at 1 time I was asked to collect the tithes this morning, and from the start I was having seizure activity, and for 5+ minutes I was praying to GOD that nothing serious happened. It did not. 1 month later to make a long story short, OUTSIDE INFLUENCES of the non-church goers, a realtive from in this church decides if I was to get MORE EGGS, as I did not want this persons service because of his unpredictable ways that we are only a number when HE thinks his time was to be our time, as THAT never works for me or my mother no matter who you are. So when I said we don’t need that done, CLICK an open phone line & NO MORE FRESH EGGS. This past Christmas eve service, he was there, 1st I never remember him being at any church service. SILENT NIGHT was the song we were singing BUT HE was SHOUTING THE WORDS & the kids were LOL a storm and I just figured this guy was drunk, as you know when hearing a drunk sing or talk when they are drunk. Thankfully he had not been back BECAUSE he does not need GOD, KNOW GOD, or has a desire for GOD since he has THE MONEY FOR PROVIDING ALL HE HAS. But when he is NEEDED he is there at HIS TIME ONLY and the people of the church kisses the ground he walks on. NOT ME, as other related to this family & others, have the MONEY, EGOS & ATTITUDE, of all that is goes, no matter what I may be thinking of what the CHURCH is to stand for. No way will that ever be talked about as rules are just words to these people including the PASTOR who never wants to lose money or ruffle feathers, unless a person like me who has little money gets all their weight put on my shoulders. All to say is that KIDS & non church goers except those C & E sermon attendees all of them may have it made, as THEY enforce some of the ways a church operates every Sunday. My question to you is, DO I LEAVE THIS CHURCH or go back tomorrow ?