Who shall remain nameless


Judges 13:2-24

Question for reflection:

When have you been surprised by the simplicity of God’s work?

Prayer for the day:
God of the named and unnamed, forgive us for the quest for fame and for fixing our eyes on the notable, for we know that you work in mundane ways to redeem the world. Open our eyes that we might look for your Son in the most humble of places that we might find in our neighbors the source of our salvation. Amen

 ~ Josh Brockway, Director for Spiritual Life and Discipleship

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Blessed Arrival


2 Samuel 6:12-19

To Ponder:   I Shall Dance as David Danced
One of my earliest memories of church in Nairobi, where I grew up, was singing everyone in the congregation singing the praise and worship song “Dance as David Danced”. It was the “youth service” which was known for a lively music group – guitars, bass, western drums, African drums. And if that weren’t enough, there were three women who regularly sat in the row in front of us who brought their own percussion instruments – tambourines, shekeres, and sistrums. They did not just shake their instruments, they shook their whole selves –from the tops of their heads to their feet. Being a shy, uncoordinated child I was completely mesmerized by their extravagantly printed and embroidered dresses, their flamboyant hand motions,Shekere and way all their hips moved in unison. I had never seen anything like it in church in America. It was too much and I wanted to look away. It was not enough and I wanted to join in. In the next decade, it would become my normal church experience but at that moment I was an outsider looking in.

The Old Testament rituals of moving the ark and the expectations of Hebrew royalty, can seem strange. I am again a foreigner watching others praise and worship in the Lord. My eyes seeing but my heart not comprehending: I’m part judgmental and part jealous – longing to join in. To let go and just be unselfconsciously joyous from head to toe.

Prayer for the day:
Oh God of Dance and Music,
Invite me to join your song. Teach me Your rhythm.
May my heart, ears, and eyes recognize the joy from every nation, every tribe, and every language as we praise the Lord. I pray that I may join in that Great Multitude.

~ Gimbiya Kettering, Intercultural Ministries Coordinator
Save the Date: May 1-3 for “All God’s People Say Amen” Intercultural  Retreat in ANE.

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Exact imprint


Hebrews 1:1-4

To Ponder:   The Worth of a Thousand Words
Studies suggest that, on average, we speak over 15,000 words a day. Most of those words seem to spill from me without really thinking about them: Starting with mumbled morning greetings and a somewhat clearer query about the status of coffee. My words just stack up: Logistics of a single-car family, endless games of peekaboo with my toddler, while petting the neighbors yappy dog, many-many phone conference calls for work, the mailman, calls from my parents or friends wanting to be in touch, the woman in line behind me at the grocery store who is also playing peekaboo with my daughter, family dinner, then bedtime story. Then I get to talk my husband, another grown up, in full sentences and multisyllabic words.

In the Bible, it keeps coming back to the word. In the beginning there was the word. The tongue is mightier than the sword. And blessed are those who read the words of ending revelations. And Jesus, as a reflection of God, sustains all things with his powerful word. And yet, once we claim an identity as Christians, we our also seen as reflections of God and our words a reflection of our faith.

Prayer for the day:
Dear God, thank you for the gift of words, of language and stories, and Your word.Open my ears to hear your reflection in others. Make me mindful of how powerful my words are in how others see You and me.

~ Gimbiya Kettering, Intercultural Ministries Coordinator
Save the Date: May 1-3 for “All God’s People Say Amen” Intercultural  Retreat in ANE.

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

When God gets in the way


Mark 9:9-13

Question for reflection:
I like the comparison that Sandy uses towards the end of the devotional between the disciples and modern day students. As a recent college graduate, the phrase, “Is this going to be on the exam?” is one that is all too familiar. You start college (or really anything new) with all these passions and excitements. Then after one bad grade or one tiny screw up that pressure to succeed, to get the perfect grades no matter what, those feelings start to creep in. Suddenly, our focus shifts. We might not get as excited as we once did. The Romans text (Romans 9:33) makes it quite clear: we will find God and even our passions when we open our eyes to the “stones” and start viewing them as part of the journey, not just something that is in the way.

What stones are you facing in your life right now? What is a way you might view your “stone” differently?

Prayer for the day:
God, give us the ability to look at the stones in our life in new ways. Amen.

~ Laura Whitman, Special Projects Coordinator

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Amazing mantle


2 Kings 2: 9-22

Question for reflection:

Whose mantle do you carry? What have they taught you about faith?

Prayer for the day:
Creating God,  you have called together your people through Israel, the prophets, and through your son Jesus Christ, and in your people you have brought into being a great cloud of witnesses. By our baptism we have joined the cloud, receiving the gifts of your people and have taken on the mantle of being Christ-like witnesses to the world. Embolden us in this season of Advent that we might proclaim with the confidence of your prophets the Good News of God with us. Amen


~ Josh Brockway, Director for Spiritual Life and Discipleship

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Stretching Exercises

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Psalm 125

To ponder:

As I left the grocery store, a man stretched out his hand and asked me for several dollars to buy some food. Keeping his eyes on the sidewalk, he explained that his family was hungry and he didn’t have any money. Reaching into my purse, I handed him some money in response to his need, which he gratefully accepted before entering the store. Was he telling me the truth? I don’t know. What I do know is that Jesus calls us to feed the hungry and in doing so, we feed Jesus. Let us welcome those who have need into our hearts this Christmas. In doing so, we welcome Jesus.

Prayer for the day:
Stretch us, God, to see Jesus in those whom we meet along the way to Christmas. Then stretch us to respond in the spirit of Christmas with love and kindness. Amen.


~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Parting Words

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1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

To ponder:
Sometimes we place such high expectations on ourselves and others as Christmas approaches! We strive to decorate our homes, prepare tasty holiday treats, and finish shopping for everyone on our lists even as we carry out our everyday tasks and responsibilities. No wonder we are stressed to the max some days. As we continue to prepare for Christmas, may we take Paul’s words to heart: rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming!

Prayer for the day:

God of wholeness and well-being, help us remember what is truly important this Advent season and keep us ever full of joy, prayer, and thanksgiving as we prepare for Christ’s coming. Amen.


~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Are You Sleeping (through) Brother John?

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Matthew 21:28-32

To ponder:
It can be hard for our self-righteous selves to hear Jesus say that those on the margin of society—tax collectors and prostitutes—may enter the Kingdom of God before we will. How can that be? Amidst the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, have we turned a deaf ear to God’s call for our lives? Have we become complacent from our position of privilege? During this Advent season of listening and waiting, how might we quiet our souls and tune in to God’s still small voice calling us into belief and response?

Prayer for the day:
Awaken our hearts, God, to the message you are presenting to us. Let us hear your Word and respond with belief and with action as we continue the work of Jesus in a world in need of your loving presence.


~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Good for Goodness’ Sake

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Philippians 3:7-16

To ponder:

“All I want for Christmas is…” How do you complete that sentence? The popular song from my childhood says that “two front teeth” are at the top of the Christmas wish list. I don’t know about you, but toys usually graced my list when I was younger. As I grew older, my list changed to reflect my maturing understanding of life and my deepening faith. Now, like Paul in his letter to the Philippians, knowing Jesus and living out his teachings so that others may see the love of Christ reflected in my life are at the top of my list. It is a lofty goal, but Paul encourages me to “keep on keepin’ on.” What do you want for Christmas this year?

Prayer for the day:
Generous God, you gave the world the best gift of all when you gave us Jesus Christ. Give us strength and courage to put Christ first in our lives so that we may experience a taste of the Kingdom of God here on Earth. This is our Christmas prayer. Amen.


~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.

Seed and Sheaf

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Psalm 126

To ponder:
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our hearts are heavy with the suffering of our sisters and brothers around the world, especially with what is happening in Nigeria. In the midst of our questioning “Where is God in all of this?” the psalmist reminds us to recall the miracles God has worked for God’s people. This Advent season, we are to hold on to the promise of Immanuel—God with us—as we pray for God to bless God’s people again so that our tears may turn into shouts of celebration, joy, and laughter.

Prayer for the day:
Companioning God, we remember the great things you have done for us and ask that you continue to bless your people. Deliver our sisters and brothers from pain, suffering, danger, and death. Fill their hearts and souls with your love and peace that they might know your presence and protection. Lord, hear our prayer. Amen.

~ Kim Ebersole, Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries

Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is offering these simple prayers and questions in connection to this year’s Advent Devotional written by Sandy Bosserman, a former district executive and ordained minister in the Church of the Brethren. (Available from Brethren Press in print and E-Book formats). Join us as we look and listen for the coming of the Word through the reading of scripture, Sandy’s reflections, times of prayer, and conversations on this blog.