Living with purpose

By Nate Will, former Faith Outreach Expedition (FaithX) participant and member of University Baptist and Brethren Church in State College, Pa.

Living with purpose is one of the most important aspects of my life.

The things that are most important to me while living with purpose are helping others and helping the world. The FaithX trips that I have joined in Portland (Ore.) and Knoxville (Tenn.) have been amazing experiences that have made this purpose clearer in my life. These trips provided an opportunity for me to make a meaningful impact on local communities.

My most recent Faith X trip to Knoxville was extremely rewarding. We volunteered at the Knoxville Dream Center where we helped pack over 6,500 bags of school supplies for students. This was incredibly impactful to me, because as a student myself I know how nice it is to have new supplies for the upcoming school year. Knowing that we were able to help so many kids get these supplies was uplifting and was a key example to me of what living with purpose looks like, and what I can do in my life to live purposefully.

On both my FaithX trips in Knoxville and Portland, I participated in programs that directly served the unhoused population. Serving at the soup kitchen in Portland was eye-opening for me because I realized that these folks are not just homeless people, but people who have families, jobs, and hobbies, and are trying to live their lives as best as they can. I spent time talking with another volunteer who had once been a client of the soup kitchen himself. In Knoxville we volunteered one night at Under the Bridge where we served a meal and handed out clothing under a highway overpass. Some volunteers at this event have been serving at Under the Bridge for over 20 years, and it was interesting to see them interacting with the guests, calling them by name and just talking to them as friends. One of the other youth in my church group sat at the Prayer Table and talked and listened to folks, because sometimes that’s all that is needed—just someone to talk to.

FaithX trips have also been impactful because I’ve gotten to see other parts of the country and spend time with the youth and advisors from my church. You get to know people well on a cross-country flight or a 10-hour van ride! Having purpose allows me to live a fulfilling life that I am proud of, and I know I can have a positive impact on others and the world around me.

This reflection was originally featured in the winter issue of The Volunteer, a publication by Brethren Volunteer Service. Find the 2025 FaithX schedule and register to serve at .

(Read this issue of eBrethren.)

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