Thank you for building up with us!

“Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11, NRSVue

Earlier this year, we shared a familiar but bold challenge:  join us as we build up one another and our neighbors near and far. We invited you to partner in the mission and ministry of the Church of the Brethren to grow courageous disciples, love and serve together with our sisters and brothers around the world, extend generosity and witness, and steward God’s blessings. This is a call to which you responded with faith and generosity.

As this year draws to a close, we pause to recognize all that we have accomplished together.

Brethren Historical Library and Archives celebrated the interim work of Allison Snyder and hired Jacqueline (Claire) Flowers as its new director.

Brethren Volunteer Service onboarded 27 new volunteers through 2 orientation units, and supported a total of 54 volunteers in the US and around the world.

Children’s Disaster Services trained 68 volunteers who accompanied 727 children through 13 disaster response efforts.

Death Row Support Project celebrated 45 years of ministry and the work and retirement of Rachel Gross.

Discipleship and Leadership Formation connected with 150 participants and volunteers for the first L.E.A.D (Listen. Equip. Adapt. Disciple.) Conference in November.

The Emergency Disaster Fund provided grants to projects in 10 states and 12 countries.

The Global Food Initiative Fund allocated 10 grants to 9 countries around the world.

Intercultural Ministries welcomed Founa Augustin Badet as its new director and connected with 175 participants through 6 in-person or virtual events.

A majority of staff and Mission and Ministry Board members completed Kingian Nonviolence Training.

Material Resources gathered 14 groups to ship more than 1,128,000 pounds of quilts, blankets and kits, and more than 278,000 pounds of medical supplies and equipment to 23 states and 10 countries.

The Ministry Office assisted 8 districts in a season of transition.

Peacebuilding and Policy staff convened and contributed to 10 policy working groups and hosted or participated in 8 events and meetings to nurture relationships and support peacemaking around the world.

Rebuilding program volunteers served at 3 project sites and assisted 42 families.

Youth and Young Adult Ministries connected with 11 youth and leaders at Christian Citizenship Seminar in February and 53 individuals at Young Adult Conference in May.

Thank you for building up with us in 2024. It has been a blessing to grow and serve with you as we join Jesus in the neighborhood.

Celebrate all that God has done through the work of the Church of the Brethren this year by making a year-end offering to our mission and ministry.

(Read this issue of eBrethren.)

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