Serving in Rwanda – Sown in tears

Grace Elliott (far left) with women at Goshen Church of the Brethren in Kenya.
Photo by Chris Elliott

By Grace Elliott, Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) Unit #331

“They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepest, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” ~Psalm 126:5-6, KJV

One evening, not too long ago, I was sitting in my bedroom. I listened to the hum of the fan blowing away the scorching dry season heat of the day as it came to a close, along with the occasional buzz of a pesky blood-thirsty mosquito on my sun-browned neck. Sounds of my housemates were heard in the background, a lively mixture of English and the sweet musical quality of Kinyarwanda. Residing with a mixed-culture family means that a minimum of two or three languages can be spoken, perhaps even by the same person in one sentence! Sounds of the household died down as the various humans went to their rooms retiring for the night.

I continued to sit in a state of deep reflection, joined by one of the resident felines climbing uninvited through the window, which was left open to let in the crisp night-time highland breeze. An occasional scent of eucalyptus smoke mixed with tropical flowers in bloom reached my nostrils and the cry of a baby and the cackles emitting from the neighborhood bar in my ears.

I reflected on many things. My two-year volunteer teaching term amongst the Abayarwanda (People of Rwanda) is quickly coming to a close. A wonderful ceremony and celebration of Top Class graduation has passed into the realm of memory.

Memories, so many memories. I smile fondly on the many joyous and lovely events. I look upon the painful and traumatic memories as one viewing the sunrise of a new day after a dark, dark night. Tears run down my face as I think of those memories still in the dark of night. I think of the days of the past when God has given me strength to rise well from the darkness of nights of the past and how one day He will do the same again.

I smile through the tears as I think of soon seeing my family and dear friends again in the US. Excitement and trepidation when thinking of returning later this year to the Land of Eternal Spring with the start of a new project. A new day is dawning. One chapter has come to a close. Another is beginning to unfold in the misty light of the dawn in the shadow of Nyargongo.

A chapter of life sown in tears may very well be a chapter concluding in rejoicing. The One who writes that story is the same yesterday, today, and the days that are to come. He will never leave us or forsake us. Let all the earth rejoice!

Grace Elliott concluded service through BVS at Brethren Nursery School in Ginsenyi, Rwanda, in July. Learn more about this core ministry of the Church of the Brethren at or support its ministry today at

(Read this issue of eBrethren.)

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