Photo by Chris Brumbaugh-Cayford
A theme reflection written by Founa I. Augustin Badet, director of Intercultural Ministries, for the 2024 Advent Offering
“My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
~Luke 1:46-47, NIV
Have you ever been at rest physically, yet anxious mentally? Have you felt like your “nephesh” (meaning “breath of life” or “soul” in Hebrew) lacked enough oxygen or seemed to have no breath at all? Without life in the soul, there is death in the body. That is why, God who knows all things, tells us to cast our burdens onto Jesus Christ to live.
When our soul and spirit manifest hope for our salvation, they reflect our lives in Christ Jesus. Mary had to be in a state of calm for her soul to be at rest and to magnify the Lord. When there is chaos, discomfort, uncertainty, fear, and trials, our soul will be working overtime to find peace, faith, hope, and gratitude.
During her anxious time, Mary casted her cares on the Lord to find rest. Knowing God cared for her, she sang to celebrate the joy in her womb. At that very moment, her voice of hope revealed and declared the goodness of God in her life.
When that still small voice reminds us, “how great is our God,” we can put our trust in the Lord. Our soul has no other choice than to be filled with hope and to feel reassured by God’s goodness.
No matter how hard or difficult this season may have become, be still and listen to the voice of hope that reassures you that you will come out victoriously. For in God, we move and have our being, and our hope as Brethren is alive. Whenever you feel disheartened, disconnected, or discontented, be encouraged because these feelings do not last. No matter the season, even when our natural eyes do not see it, joy comes in the morning and hope never disappoints.
Position yourself to hear from God. Let your spirit move joyfully and your soul rest peacefully. Greater is He that is in you than the evil that is in the world. I know for certain that God will sustain us and that we can abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In every season, the mission and ministry of the Church of the Brethren shares hope and joy with the world. Through the goodness of God and your faithful support, we extend generosity and witness by engaging our neighbors, seeking justice, and sharing the holistic peace of Jesus Christ. The Advent Offering supports Core Ministries like Intercultural Ministries, the Peacebuilding and Policy Office, and many more. Learn more at www.brethren.org/adventoffering or give an offering today at www.brethren.org/giveoffering.