The Work of Art

I found myself working on a piece of art today.

The reason? I had always admired the particular technique of this One artist whose art is timeless.

I see the works of others who have learned from the original artist, and they are always so creative in adopting the style and making it fit their own works of art.

Mine was to also be a creative spin on this style. Any great work requires new angles of this classic technique to help mold it to today’s culture.

My work of art is not finished, but I do know a few things…
The subjects – people and nature
The colors – bold
The overall plan – well thought out
The time spent on it – it feels like a lifetime…and then some
The shading – it’s too dark for my liking. Still, the light needs to spread across more.
The time period portrayed – now
The message – it’s difficult to say as of now, but that needs to change…obviously
The price – thankfully I was able to borrow the supplies from my Teacher. The finished product will for sure come at a price many are not comfortable with, but this work of art is something all people would appreciate if they were willing to pay the price.
The texture – I have really tried to smooth things out
The contrast – there’s a lot present, but differences will hopefully be perceived in a more harmonizing way

The title – Peace

~ Tyler Goss