FOOD DISTRIBUTION A team of four staff of the EYN Disaster Relief Ministry took food supplies to the Futu District. The team was led by the EYN Director Relief, Rev. Yuguda Z. Mdurwa. Other staff were Acting Coordinator, Rev. Joshua B. Mainu, Mr. Aniya Simon, Accountant and the Driver, Mr. John Haha. The truck could not reach the initially planned center for distribution because of a stream on the way to the village; but food items were collected by representatives of the Local Churches. District Officials were also present as the Local Church representatives collected the items for their congregations.
WALL FOR COMPREHENSIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL Blocks are being made to continue the wall around the EYN Secondary School. The wall will aid in security for the over 250 students.
SEEDS & FERTILIZER In June, corn (maize) seeds and fertilizer were given to over 2000 families. The corn is growing and now bean seeds have been purchased and are being distributed to 3000 families. The beans are planted in August and grow under the corn. We pray for a bountiful harvest.
August Fellowship Group from the USA visits Favored Sister’s School – While spending two weeks walking along side our brothers and sisters in Nigeria, the latest fellowship group visited one of our sponsored schools. This school is the full time home to 120 orphans.