By Matt DeBall, coordinator of Donor Communications
“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).
God is generous. Though each person witnesses this quality in different ways, we all experience the abundant, unwarranted, and wonderful blessings of God. God is so gracious, providing all that we need, and in many cases, giving us more than we could imagine. As we give thanks to God, we also have the opportunity to share what we have received. The abundant gifts in our lives are not only meant to bless us and our families, but also the church and the world.
Though our culture is filled with consumerism and over-spending during the holidays, Giving Tuesday is a reminder that there is more to the story. As we give, we partake in the generous and gracious giving of God.
Through gifts to the Church of the Brethren, its ministries are able to provide:
- Conferences to discern together the work of God in our midst and in the world;
- Trainings for deacons, pastors, and licensed ministers to lead and care for their communities;
- Opportunities to nurture existing relationships with international partners and follow God’s leading into new relationships;
- Communications that inform, encourage, and inspire the larger church; and
- So much more!
As we celebrate Giving Tuesday on November 29, we invite you to consider how God may be leading you to give to the Church of the Brethren. All gifts to the denominational ministries of your church support life-changing opportunities that share the love of God.
Learn more about Giving Tuesday or give now at