Thank you for your support of the Nigeria Crisis Response. (Consolidated from a report by Rhoda)
Ekklesiayar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN) Relief Team has been very busy with food distributions. In the last two weeks, your donations have provided food for 988 families (about 6000 individuals). Food was distributed to three remote districts that had never received help because they were still in dangerous and unsafe areas.
Mussa District: Most of the people had relocated back home but they were attacked for the second and third time by the Boko Haram. The community was burned and many were killed. They have taken refuge in Wamdeo (a neighboring village). EYN relief team provided about 277 households with rice, detergent, cooking oil, Maggi (cooking flavoring), soap, salt and personal care items.
Dille District: The people of Dille have also returned home. The EYN Disaster Management Team assisted in this relocation of 654 families. Dille was attacked a few days before the distribution. However, soldiers around the community were been able to restore order and the people are living well and going about their normal activities. The Disaster team along with Glenn and Marcus from Christian Aid Ministries went under Nigerian Military escort to ensure a safe distribution.
Ado Kasa: Ado Kasa is another community in Nassarawa state where IDPs have relocated and are staying. It is not a camp, but a community where people stay in rented houses. 57 households have found refuge at Ado Kasa; they have a church with a Pastor assigned to them from the EYN Headquarters. They face many health challenges especially the pregnant women who have to travel to another town for medical services. When the people of Ado Kasa received the bags of corn, they danced and were happy and they said it was more than anything they have ever received.