By Valarie Kline (Pastor at the Pleasant Chapel Church of the Brethren (IN) and district youth advisor in the Northern Indiana District)
We know it’s important to pray, & many times we may think, “I’ll pray for that….later.” But, we need to be intentional about spending time in prayer. Setting aside a specific time to do so is important. Yes, we can & should pray throughout the day, but if we don’t set a specific time (like in the morning, after school, or before bed), it likely won’t happen (at least, not as effectively as it could). Not only does God command us to pray, but God wants us to pray. The God of the universe loves to spend time with us….with you. Isn’t that a wonderful thought?
Intercessory prayer is praying on behalf of others. Andrew Murray (1828-1917) wrote, “Intercession for others is the most perfect form of prayer; it is the prayer Christ prays on His throne.” That’s another wonderful thought. Jesus is praying for us even now (see Romans 8:34 & Hebrews 7:25)! Robert Murray McCheyne shared, “If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me.” Christ is praying for us, and we can and should pray for others, too. We’ve been given an incredible opportunity and privilege to do so.
Good News: We can pray to God on behalf of others, and we can bless them through our prayers (whether they ever know it or not).
Discussion Question: What are some ways you’ve seen prayers answered?Who is somebody you can pray for, & will you make a commitment to do so? Will you set aside a specific time to pray each day? If so, when will that time be?
Go one step further: Try the M&M prayer.