By Seth Hendricks (Pastor of Youth & Congregational Life at the Manchester Church of the Brethren)
Colossians 2:8-23 “…the reality is found in Christ.”
Friends, you do not need me to tell you what a unique time we are living in. I imagine we will be hearing and sharing stories, memories, etc…about this specific time in history for many years to come. However, what will the fruits of this time bear? Does it feel like your life has radically changed? How are you living into these new realities?
As followers of Christ, those last two questions are particularly interesting to reflect on in these times. Of course things have changed dramatically and new realities exist, and yet, this should not be unfamiliar territory for us, right? This letter in Colossians is not just a reminder of that but a connection point back to the early church. Followers of Christ who don’t just need a reminder, they need a reality check. To summarize: Hey Colossians! Stop seeking to find life in what the world offers. Remember your baptism? Your call into new life, to be radically changed from dead and old ways? This reality, this fullness of life is found in Christ.
So maybe this unique time can also be a reality check for us. When we become overwhelmed by the rapid changes and shifts to our day to day realities, remember we are called into these kinds of places. To live into the reality that is found in Christ. A life in all its fullness.
Good News: We can do this! We are equipped to shine bright in these times. Remember, the fullness of life that is found in Christ.
Discussion Question: In these times, where are you uncovering and awakening this fullness of life?
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