by Rachel Witkovsky
What is YAC, and why can’t young adults of the Church of the Brethren stop talking about it?
“I love YAC,” said Eric Landram with a twinkle in his eye. “At first, you think it’s a conference celebrating the animal. But you quickly learn that it’s actually a worshipful weekend with fellow young adults in the Church of the Brethren.”
This year’s Young Adult Conference is May 23-25 at Camp Brethren Woods in Keezletown, Va. The theme is “Coming Home: For I know the plans I have for you,” which comes from Jeremiah 29:11-13.
Eric Landram, Bethany Clark, and Jessica Strawderman have been busy planning worship, and Heather Houff Landram and Laura Whitman are preparing for YAC with other members of the Young Adult Steering Committee. When asked why they love YAC, Heather said that she enjoys “seeing young adults use their gifts and talents to glorify God.” Laura added that it’s “a bunch of great Brethren people all in one place, talking about things that matter.”
Bryan Hanger, Brethren Volunteer Service worker, shared that “YAC is great because you get to meet and share with other young folks who care deeply about their faith and want to find creative ways to live it out. The time together is short, but the conversations and worship connect everyone on a meaningful level.”
In addition to the “wonderful fellowship, meaningful worship services, singing, and insightful workshops,” Tim Stauffer of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren, said that, “carpooling makes a great road trip and adds to the experience as a whole.” Jacob Crouse, member of the 2013 Youth Peace Travel Team, took Tim’s advice and hitched a ride with him on the way home last year.“When I needed inspiration, time to learn, socialize, and worship with my peers, and just a Brethren-ly fantastic break from routine,” Jacob said, “I found it at YAC.”
Register for YAC at . Rachel Witkovsky is director of Young Adult Ministries for Palmyra (Pa.) Church of the Brethren.