Good News Youth Devotional

By Josiah Ludwick (Associate Pastor at Harrisburg First Church of the Brethren (PA))

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

In our text for today, something that will happen near the end of time is described – and I gotta tell you, it sounds terrifying. Evil will run rampant over the earth and people will believe false teaching and will be led astray. It will seem as though all is lost and that evil has won. We are talking the end of Avengers: “Infinity War” kind of bad.

The world we find ourselves in today is also full of this same sort of uncertainty, fear and evil. It can be really easy to want to just give up and let all of the negativity win. As viruses run rampant, brother takes up arms against brother, floods and other natural disasters rage and the world seems more at odds than ever before, it could be easy to think we are nearing the end. But just as in the text, it’s pretty likely that this is not the end. Whether what our text describes is on the verge of happening or whether what we go through today is a mere drop in the bucket of what is to come, we have this for which to hope: Our Jesus has won the victory! And our Jesus has chosen each of us to be a part of that victory! This includes both the smaller everyday challenges we each face, as well as the obstacles we as the human race are facing in these times. So whatever that obstacle is in your path, whatever the enemy would use to try and steal your joy, whatever may bring worry fear or doubt your way, know this: Jesus has already conquered it. He has given the victory over it. He has chosen you for deliverance and chosen you to be a part of the victory! So what will you do with that opportunity? It’s my prayer that we all will accept our “chosen-ness” and our role in the victory that God is bringing about right now. That we will stand firm in Him. That we won’t give in to fear. That we will have hope, joy and peace amidst the storms raging all around us. That we will be motivated to be used for His purposes and also for our brothers’ and sisters’ good. That this will all be true of us, because we know our Jesus, with His all-powerful love, has overcome evil once and for all.

Good News: Our victorious Jesus has chosen each of us for deliverance and victory!

Discussion Question: In the midst of all the evil and uncertainty that surround us, how does it feel to know you are chosen and have been given the victory? How does this knowledge upend what the world would have us believe?

Go one step further: Take a minute and have a little praise party right where you are, acknowledging His victory amidst all the uncertainty that surrounds us. Even on the day when the Evil One comes in all his power, our Lord is Victorious!! The song below gets at this point. Feel free to find another you enjoy as well!

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