Female Theologians in Nigeria

Kanadi Dauda Gava

Kanadi Dauda Gava

by   Mrs. Kanadi Dauda Gava, treasurer EYN Female Theologians

This group, Female Theologians EYN (Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), was started in 2008 when Rev. Ndamsai saw the need of refreshment course for Women in the Ministry. He first shared this idea with the EYN former President Rev. Filibus Gwama and Mrs. Christine Guhne the then Mission 21 representative to Nigeria and TEE Consultant. They both agreed with this idea and Guhne promised that Mission 21 would support the group through sponsoring their yearly workshop. This support is ongoing.
MISSION: our mission is to empower and encourage women for effective service in the church and society, spiritually and administratively.

Dr. Yamti - lecturer at Kulp Bible College

Dr. Yamti – lecturer at Kulp Bible College

Dr. Safiya - Director of Education

Dr. Safiya – Director of Education

– To encourage one another to serve Christ faithfully despite all challenges.
–  To promote Peace and justice in the church and society.
–  To serve as a spiritual and intellectual force to the church and the society.
–  To help and cooperate with the church on fulfilling her mission
–  To bring EYN church of the Brethren in Nigeria Female Theologians together in order to be      effective in the service of the church.
–  To work hand in hand with Zumuntan Mata Ekklisiya (ZME) (Women Fellowship) in time of evangelism.

BOOK PRODUCTION: some of our objectives are to encourage intellectual and spiritual activities of the members. So we embark on writing book. The first book was produced in 2010 and many members contributed since it had to do with African Women. Now the second volume is with the publisher hoping that by March it will be ready for sale. The title is, African Women Voices.

INSURGENCY: The attack by the insurgents on the EYN Headquarters on the 29th October 2014 has affected the group because the attackers went away with our money worth 3 thousand dollars, and we need about 3 thousand dollars to print 2,000 copies of the current book.

Dr. Rebecca

Dr. Rebecca


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